Individual, Couple & Family Counselling

There can't be outer love, without inner love

Unique Clinical Services at MindCo. covers a range of psychological, emotional, and social issues impacting children/youth, adults and families. Our focus is on improving / strengthening relational dynamics. This includes one’s relationship to oneself (i.e., fostering happiness) or social and familial relationships. At MindCo. our skilled clinicians and practitioners have the training and experience to work with a diversity of issues affecting individuals, couples and diverse family types, including nuclear, bi-nuclear, same-sex, adoptive, separated/lone-parent as well as blended/step families.

individual one on one counselling

Some of the issues we can help with include:

  • Stress at work or school
  • Anxiety, depression, and other mood conditions
  • Emotion regulation (i.e., better managing your anger)
  • Low self-esteem, self-confidence, or self-love
  • Phobias
  • Eating disorders or Body Image Issues
  • Parenting challenges
  • New family dynamics and family change or transitioning
  • Tension or conflict between couples or other family members
  • Living a more satisfied, happier life
  • And more….

MindCo. prides on its team of highly qualified clinicians, practitioners and researchers with extensive knowledge and experience working with children, youth, couples, and families.

Our clinical team draws on principles of psychotherapy, psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, deep ecology, mindfulness, self-compassion and much more to provide individualized, uniquely crafted boutique style services to our clients. We believe that good mental health involves balancing the different aspects of physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and social health and wellbeing.

Please note that for all clinical services (individual, couple or family), the first session is an assessment session.

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Why Choose MindCo?

Research Informed Services

Our programs and services are supported and continuously updated by the latest research in the field of mental health and wellbeing.

Carefully Crafted Programs

We offer distinct programs and services that address the unique needs of individuals, couples and families that we serve.

Skilled & Experienced

We set the bar high with regulated, highly qualified and experienced clinicians and practitioners we bring on board.

Effective Approaches & Techniques

We employ a wide range of effective approaches and techniques in the delivery of our programs and services.

Get Started

Whether you're an individual, couple, family, or a company, we have a suitable program that's right for you. Give us a call or complete the form to get in touch with us.